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Welcome to my blog where life is all about the diapers and the dog bones. 

Picnic Under the Stars

Picnic Under the Stars


First stop, July 4th in New York. 

“Hey Magic, pass the raspberries.” A picnic with friends under the stars was exactly how Lainey wanted to spend the holiday. Good food and great company. 

As Lainey looked around at each of her playmates, she smiled. They are  all different from each other, unique and special in their own ways. She couldn’t help but feel grateful for their friendships and because of their freedom they could all be here together in the fresh air, laughing and enjoying the night. This country is a giant melting pot. It’s the “Land of the Free” and that is something to stand up for and celebrate! 

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others."

--Nelson Mandela

Behind the Scenes Time Lapse

Land of the Giants

Land of the Giants

Hot Air Balloon Ride

Hot Air Balloon Ride