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Welcome to my blog where life is all about the diapers and the dog bones. 

Trash Panda Attack

This is everything I just pulled out of the trash can.

Thank God there was nothing too valuable lost…that I know of, at least. On second thought, thank GOD I didn’t encounter anything too gross digging these gems out. And I know, I know – get a can with a lid, dummy…blah, blah. But a top doesn’t stop this little claw-handed Trash Panda. She knows how the mechanics work.

I have to give credit where credit is due because The Huz is like a hound dog. If something is missing, he senses it. He could be across town and his OCD-daddy-sense picks it up. "The green matchbox car has disappeared!" Oh, and he will find it. (Usually within 24-48 hours, if it's not gone-gone.) So, when we discover a few toys have gone rogue, well, we know the Trash Panda got to them. So long, triangle watermelon piece. Adios, giant picnic basket fork. Ciao, wooden treasures from the Melissa and Doug vacuum cleaner set. See ya never again!

But she just can’t help herself. She LOVES trash cans. Hell, she drags the bathroom garbage can around the house like she’s walking a dog. We’ve stopped put anything in THAT trash altogether since she’s always filling it with treasures from our home.

Her throwing things away will come in handy someday. And we’re working on that; having her help throw things out that, well, can and should be thrown out. The real kicker is she also LOVES (I’m emphasizing her love here) to dig stuff out of the trash. Just follow the trail of breadcrumbs* (*dirty tissues, dryer lint balls, empty lotion bottles), and you know where she’s been and where she’s going. And here I am asking once again to a child who has already torn ass out of the room… "WHYYYYYYY!"

In the end, I think the only way to make use out of this passion of hers is to give her a pair of rubber gloves and head out to the streets (and/or the beach, cause why not go to the beach if you’re obsessed with trash) and clean up. I wonder if they make rubber gloves for kids? Anyone else's kid a Trash Panda too?   

Trash Panda, caught red-handed!

Trash Panda, caught red-handed!

Hospital Bag

Hospital Bag