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Welcome to my blog where life is all about the diapers and the dog bones. 

For the Love of Vacuum

For the Love of Vacuum


She knows when it’s coming. She has a sixth sense about it. When I start picking up all the toys and moving all the floor-things around, Ailish KNOWS the giant screaming machine is coming out to play and man, she loves it! Over the last few months (before she got too big for my back to handle) I’d wear her in the Baby K’tan and vacuum to my heart’s content. Pretty sure that’s how she got hooked. It’s like clockwork. As soon as I wheel it out of the closet, those little hands and knees come pitter-pattering at top speed toward the cleaning fun. And then the best part – she follows close behind as the tall machine goes into action.

Hey Moms - Any other kids love the vacuum this much? Or is my OCD grooming her? I’ve definitely started vacuuming more since she not only puts every flipping piece of carpet fuzz, leaf or onion peel in her mouth, but The Little Monkey has taken to straight-up licking the floor or carpet! Just face down, tongue out, buffet-style. The wool rug is like the gift that keeps on giving. And heavens forbid I try to pry out the tuffs of carpet from her squirrel cheeks*.

I remember when my friend Katie had her little boy and she gave him a sponge to “play with.” I think I might take a note from her and teach Ailish at this early age the fine art of housework. Keep it clean, girl. Keep. It. Clean.

I wish I could take credit for this video, but of course, it was The Huz. “Seems safe enough,” he said. We’re just living on the edge over here.

*Helpful hint I just learn from the CPR class we took; to get those little odds & ends out of those cherubic cheeks -- just plug their nose and voila! The mouth opens. It’s like magic! 

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Early Christmas

Early Christmas

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